This guy is from the Book 'Arthur Spiderwick's Field guide' which has a collection of Tony Diterlizzi's illustrations..this creature is called a house brownie...
My model doesnt look like what is in the illustration yet...need to work on a lot of details like he has a thread tied on the hat like thing he wears...which is actually a bobbin..there also needles and buttons poked in it and plus nother bobbin on top of this bobbin...a lot of other details which make his an interesting design..lots to do..[The last image is what he looked like earlier and teh first image is what he is now]
From whats written in the book
"These kindly and dependable creatures attach themselves to human households, where they help with chores and protect the well being of people living on thier land.They live somewhere on teh land they protect , perhaps in an abandoned barn, an unused closet , or within the walls'